Send it and get one cooler for free

Struggling to find a waterblock that fits your hardware? No problem! We can produce very efficient water blocks that are perfectly matched to your hardware. 

How it works

  1. First check here to see if we already have a cooler for your graphics card.
  2. Fill out this document and wait for our reply and confirmation.
  3. Send us your hardware including customer declaration
  4. It will take up to 10 – 20 working days for us to measure your hardware.
  5. We will send the hardware back to you in the same condition you sent it to us
  6. In return, you will receive the new cooler for FREE. Please note that we reserve the right not to produce single cooler variants. You can, however, decide between the cooler variants that are produced.


This service is only offered in the European Union.
Please only direct enquires for the Nvidia RTX 5XXX or AMD RX 9XXX series graphics cards here. Additionally, professionell or non-standard card enquires can be send via email.

We do not produce custom or special designed waterblocks.

Send it and get one cooler for free
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I have read the data protection information.